2017 PGA Show Launch



Your NEXT perfect motion awaits…

NEXT takes biofeedback to a level the golf industry has never experienced.

Using stunning visual cues, NEXT helps players easily discover and feel the entire motion they need to execute the desired shot at hand.

How Does NEXT Work?

Next uses dynamic visuals and audio tones that appear and disappear during the golf swing. Once the initial motion target is achieved, the NEXT intended target appears always guiding players to improvement.

By combining a series of motion target at address and throughout the swing, NEXT turns static positional training into a complete movement to help players learn, and more importantly, retain the desired skills.


K-VEST + K-PLAYER An Ecosystem In Action


Our new hardware and technology are complete game-changers, but that’s not the best part…

Our sole mission is to help you coach better and help your students improve faster—while you generate more revenue.

That’s why we’ve evolved into the world’s only human motion learning system company focused on golf. We’ve taken everything we’ve learned over the last twelve years and created a groundbreaking new ecosystem. Every single one of these updates and innovations helps students learn and improve more rapidly. Here’s why…

K-VEST is now far more than a tool to help you measure. Yes, its precision is still state-of-art, but that’s just the beginning.

The learning loop at the center of the new K-VEST coaching architecture is what empowers you to “MEASURE then A.C.T.”—that is, to follow up measure with equally impressive resources to help you assess, coach, and train. Let us show you how at this year’s PGA show.

Want to see the power of the new K-VEST and K-PLAYER ecosystem in action?

Schedule a free 30-minute demo to see if it’s a good fit for you.


As a coach you can probably relate to this scenario…

A student comes to you for a session. You teach a great lesson.

Then your students leaves and, one would hope, continues on the path you’ve set out.

A week goes by, the next lesson begins—and it’s like starting from SCRATCH. Or worse, there’s a completely new flaw that you have to tackle, a flaw that forces both of you to deviate wildly from the path to improvement you designed.

But, to be honest, it’s impossible to work with students such that you can continually monitor their practice and ensure they’re always taking steps in right direction.

Yet what if you could not only set up a winning path, but also keep students on that path…  and without having to be there with them all the time.

That’s what K-PLAYER is.


It’s like your virtual assistant. Always with students, always making sure they’re practicing and training in the best way possible. Our new software and the K-PLAYER platform make this possible. You have a session with a player that includes measuring, assessing, coaching, and training.

…and ultimately returns to the training phase for new growth and improvement. It’s that straightforward.

How to make an extra $20,000

We’ve talked about how this ecosystem can help you coach better and get extraordinary results from students, but now let’s talk about the business side. We know that one of the biggest wins you can achieve is revenue that isn’t directly dependent on your time.

Every golf instructor and coach is looking for those opportunities. Well, K-PLAYER represents an easy way to help students learn faster and help you generate additional revenue.



Custom-built 30-minute training sessions delivered via K-PLAYER

2 Per day x 5 days per week x 52 weeks per year x $40 per session= $20,800

You can now generate additional revenue while they are practicing perfectly. Its that simple.
